
Showing posts from February, 2023

Puzzle 58 - Sign of times

      Solution: 2 + 4 X 6 + 8 = 44 2 X 4 - 6 + 8 = 16 2 + 4 ÷ 6 + 8 = 9  

Puzzle 57 - Odd one

 Solution: It is E.  All the other symbols have 2 rectangles, one circle and one line. E has 3 rectangles, one circle and one line.   A simple puzzle : Sharan has five sons and each son has a sister. How many children does Sharan have? Solution : If you guessed 10, I have done the same mistake too. But each son has one sister because there is only one daughter in the family. So Sharan has 5 sons and one daughter. He has 6 children. 

Puzzle 56 - How many

 Solution : There are 5 sheep and only one of them is ewe.  Number of heads = 5    Number of hooves = 20 Number of tongues of ewes = 1 Heads*hooves*tongues = 5*20*1 = 100

Puzzle 55

Harry owes Sam $30. Sam owes Phil $20. Phil owes Harry $50. Which of the following will settle the debts? Harry could give Phil $50. Sam could give Phil $20 and Harry could give Sam $40. Harry could give Phil $20 and Sam could give Phil $10. Sam and Phil could give Harry $50 total. Phil could give Harry $20 and could give Sam $10. Solution: 5  Harry owes Sam 30 and Sam owes Phil 20. We can say that Harry owes Phil 20. But Phil owes Harry 50. We can subtract 20 which Harry owes Phil. Which means Phil really owes Harry 30. But Harry owes 10 to Sam now (after subtracting 20 of Phil). So Phil can give this 10 to Sam on Harry's behalf and he can give the remaining 20 to Harry.

Puzzle 54 - Bridge and torch

Solution : Alice and Ben cross the bridge in 2 minutes. Next Alice comes back with the torch in 1 minute. Next Cindy and Don cross the bridge in 8 minutes. Now Ben goes back with the torch in 2 minutes and Ben and Alice come back in 2 minutes.  Total time taken = 2+1+8+2+2 = 15 minutes

Puzzle 53

In a room, there are 14 people who are blond and 8 people who are blue eyed. Five of these people are both blond and blue eyed. There are also two persons in the room, who are neither blond, nor blue eyed. How many people are in the room?   Solution : 19  There are 14 blonds and 8 blue eyed people. As 5 of these are both blonds and blue eyed,  Number of blonds but not blue eyed = 14-5 =9 Number of blue eyed but not blond = 8 - 5 = 3 Number of blond, eyed people = 5 Number of people who are neither blond, nor blue eyed = 2 So total number of persons in the room = 9+3+5+2 =  19

Puzzle 52

  Solution : If you take 635 as a, the first product  - a * (a+1) = a 2 +a Second product - (a-1) * (a+3) = a 2 -a+3a-3 = a 2 +2a-3 So second product  - 634*638 is larger.

Puzzle 51

Solution :The smallest difference is 49 minutes. Between 12:12 and 01:01.

Puzzle 50 - In vino veritas

    Solution : Solution is rather silly. Just take the second glass and pour its content to fifth glass and keep back the empty glass. Lo, you have your alternate filled and empty glasses. 

Puzzle 49 - Bird and a tail

 Solution :  Head of the bird h = 9 Tail of the bird t = h + b/2 where b is size of body Body of the bird b = h+t = h+h+b/2 Transferring b/2 to LHS, we have  b/2 = 2h   =>  b = 4h = 4*9 = 36cm. t = h+b/2 = 9+36/2 = 9+18 = 27 cm. Size of the bird = h+t+b = 9+27 + 36 = 72cm.

Puzzle 48

  Solution : Wednesday Explanation: Yesterday was Wednesday. Which means today is Thursday.  Thursday Archie tells truth. Which means Archie's statement -'I lied yesterday.' is true. This supports the statement ' Archie lies on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and tells truth on other days'. Kent lies on Thursday. So his statement 'I lied yesterday' is a lie. Which means he did not lie on Wednesday. This supports the statement 'Kent lies on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and tells truth on other days' .

Puzzle 47

  Solution: First and last chests have treasure in them. Explanation : Message 1 says that middle chest has treasure. Since all messages are false, middle chest has no treasre. Message 2 says that all these chests have treasure. Which means at least one of them does not have treasure (and has poison). Which is middle chest. Message 3 says that only one of the chests has treasure. As this is false, more than one of the chests have treasure. As middle one has no treasure, the other two - first and last have treasure.