Solution to Puzzle 4: The solution to puzzle 4 was much more complicated than I imagined. My google gave many solutions. I liked this solution from Nytimes better. I am copying and pasting from nytimes Number the coins 1 through 12. First weighing: 1,2,3,4 v 5,6,7,8. If equal, weigh 9,10,11 v 1,2,3 (not counterfeit). If equal, 12 is the counterfeit and weigh it against any other coin to determine if it’s heavy or light. If not equal, the direction of 9,10,11 will determine heavy or light. The third weighing is 9v10. If equal, 11 is counterfeit. If not, which ever of 9 or 10 went the same direction as in the second weighing is counterfeit (and you’ll know heavy or light from the second weighing). If 1,2,3,4 v 5,6,7,8 is not equal, mark which way each side moved. Let’s assume 1,2,3,4 went down and 5,6,7,8 went up. The second weighing is 1,2,5 v 3,4,6 where three of the coins change sides. If ...